
Tillsammans utvecklar vi svensk elitfotboll


20 maj, 2018

General terms & conditions

(Version Date: 2024-06-12)

Svensk version

These General Terms & Conditions (“Terms & Conditions”) govern your use of and connection
to Elitfotbollen’s Digital Services, which include Allsvenskan, Superettan and Svenska Futsalligan (SFL). It is important that you take the time to read through the Terms & Conditions carefully.

In these Terms & Conditions, words that begin with capitalised letters shall have the meanings
stated in Clause 16.

1. General information about SEF and EFIT

1.1 Föreningen Svensk Elitfotboll, company reg. no. 825001-5065, Evenemangsgatan 31, SE-
169 79 Solna, Sweden (“SEF”), is a not-for-profit association primarily aimed at promoting and
developing male elite football in Sweden. The Members consist of the associations, clubs and
companies that play in the Allsvenskan (Premier League) and Superettan (Championship). The
Members may therefore vary between seasons depending on the results of matches in the
leagues. The reference to ”Member” in the Terms & Conditions shall also include the
Associations that play in the SFL (which may differ from the Associations that play in
Allsvenskan or Superettan).

1.2 In order to strengthen elite male football in Sweden (which also includes futsal), the
Members have decided to introduce a shared IT platform for the provision of digital services
(EFIT). Associations, clubs and companies that do not play in the Allsvenskan, Superettan or
SFL can also join EFIT.

1.3 EFIT is the collective name for a digital platform through which the Associations, SEF and
other Suppliers offer you digital services (the “Services”). It is the Members who decide which
Services are offered from time to time. EFIT can be accessed in several ways, including
through the Websites or Apps. These Terms & Conditions do not apply when you only visit the
Association’s website without logging in to EFIT.

1.4 The Services on EFIT provide opportunities to order and purchase products and services.
Any such order or purchase constitutes an individual agreement between you and SEF or the
Association, Partner, or Supplier providing the product or service. Unless otherwise stated in
connection with the order or purchase, these Terms & Conditions are included in the content of
the agreement for the order or purchase. It is always the supplier of the product or service who
has the sole liability for the product or service corresponding to what you have agreed upon.

1.5 SEF offers a range of digital services for the league and the clubs at and away from the
venues. The services may be linked to a match/event at one of the venues or may be available
all year round regardless of location. The Services on EFIT are available through a wide range
of digital channels. As a user, it is important that you understand the purpose of our digital
platforms and Services. This is the basis for a productive and lasting relationship between you
and us. In the sections below we will describe the interactions that take place between us, you,
the Associations and/or Suppliers when you use our Services.

1.6 The purpose of our Services is to give our users a good experience of Swedish football,
including futsal. A key feature of our Services is that our users should perceive them as
relevant at every place and time they encounter them, and that our Services match up with your
personal preferences and wishes as regards a digital relationship with Swedish football,
including futsal.

1.7 EFIT is a meeting place for fans, audiences, partners and sponsors. Its digital platform is
the basis for experiencing, participating in, sharing, selling and buying football-related products
and services. In short, it is at the heart of participating in the sport.

1.8 The following picture and description shows an example of the Services, experiences and
interactions that you can have within EFIT, especially in relation to football:

We would particularly like to draw your attention to the fact that our Services, and the Websites,
are based on different technologies in order for them to be perceived as relevant by you as
User, and in this regard, we particularly want to emphasise the following basic technical

  • The device: Your digital device contains unique information that can be read by parties
    who wish to interact with your device in one way or another. You can restrict the
    exchange of certain information by actively closing features, but you may then face the
    risk that Services you wish to use no longer work/have limited functionality. As long as a
    digital device is turned on, it has a unique ID that can be detected and if the device has
    a SIM card it will also be able to be tracked. SIM stands for: Subscriber Identity Module.
    This means that the digital device always can be “seen” and tracked as a
    transmitter/receiver of radio signals. The systems in our venues will also be able to
    track your device without you making an active choice.
  • Your identity: When you register as a User with us, we will be able to customise our
    interaction with you on the basis of the information you provide, for example, club, age,
    gender etc. You only become a User after you have registered with us, but that if we
    have collected information about you in the past using cookies (as consented by you)
    we can connect that information to your identity.
  •  Time: Our interaction with you as a User will vary depending on the time of year, the day before, during and after an event/match etc. Because we own the arrangements, we will know when and what events are taking place and will therefore be able to interact with you depending on what you have stated under the preceding paragraph.
  • Your location: Your digital device includes several technical solutions for communicating with you and your surroundings about where you are, such as Global Positioning System (GPS), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and web beacon tracking. These technologies are used to interact with your device in different ways. They can, for example, be used for access control, mapping, way-finding, security communication, offers regarding location-based services and products etc.
  • Cookies: Your online activity is automated/simplified by collecting cookies which is a small data file of text that is stored in your browser. SEF can collect information about your computer, including all available IP addresses, operating systems and web browsers, for system administration as part of the review process. We also use cookies to collect information about your general internet usage. You can disable cookies. However, if you disable cookies you may not be able to make full use of certain services you wish to use.

All devices that are connected to a digital network have an important feature that you should
pay particular attention to: unlike a radio or a traditional TV, all communications are bi-
directional. This means that all type of device usage responds to requests and transmits
information about yourself and your behaviour, location etc.

As a User of the Services, you agree that SEF, your chosen club, the venue you visit, and the
Suppliers have the opportunity to interact with you. This interaction also means that your club,
the venue you visit, and the league also have the right to communicate with you on behalf of
their partners. If you have not selected a club, you will not receive club-specific information, but
rather information from SEF, the Suppliers and the venue you visit.

The interaction/communication will be implemented with the most appropriate
technology/methodology available at the time. Please note that all digital communications
collect and track information about you and your behaviour.

Football’s, and futsal’s, partners are an important part of EFIT. Just as when at the venue you
are exposed to messages from speakers, on signs etc. with offers about the club’s/league’s
partners, these messages will also be provided through our digital platform. This is an important
prerequisite for football’s, and futsal’s, continued existence as well as for the
relationship/interaction you and others have with us.

EFIT also automatically collects certain information to store in log files. Such information
includes, for example, IP addresses (Internet Protocol), web browser and language, Internet
Service Provider (ISP), referring and exit websites and applications, operating systems, date or
time stamp and click flow data.

We use the information to understand and analyse trends and User behaviour, to administer the
Website, improve EFIT and its Services and content, as well as to collect information about our
Users on an aggregated level. SEF may use the information in marketing and advertising

2. Accepting the Terms & Conditions
2.1 When you register as a User on any of the Websites or Apps, you accept the Terms &
Conditions. If you do not accept the Terms & Conditions you are not entitled to use the

2.2 You may not use the Services if: (a) you have not reached the age required to enter into a
legally binding agreement and have not obtained the consent of your parent or guardian; or (b)
you are banned or otherwise legally prohibited from using the Services under Swedish or other

2.3 To use Services supplied by other persons than SEF you may have to accept the terms &
conditions of these Associations or Suppliers.

2.4 A current version of these Terms & Conditions is always available on SEF’s website.

2.5 If the provisions in these Terms & Conditions differ from mandatory law to your detriment as
consumer, mandatory law shall take precedence.

3 User Profile
3.1 You need to create a User Profile if you wish to use the Services to their full extent. The
settings in the User Profile can be used to control what information will be available to SEF, the
Associations and Suppliers, as well as to other Users of the Services. Your settings may affect
the Services you are able to use. In some cases you can use the Services without creating a
User Profile, but the scope of the Services and your ability to communicate with SEF, the
Associations, Suppliers, and other Users will be limited.

3.2 When creating a User Profile you have the option to choose which club you wish to follow. If
you choose to follow a club you will receive club-specific information, such as information about
the club’s results, players, home stadium etc. You will also receive information from the club’s
sponsors and partners.

3.3 Your User Profile is personal to you and may not be used by anyone other than yourself.
You are solely liable for all activity that takes place via your User Profile. It is therefore your
responsibility to handle passwords and other identification details in a secure manner so that
unauthorised persons cannot access them. If you lose your password or identification details,
have reason to suspect unauthorised access to your User Profile or that a security breach has
occurred, you must immediately inform SEF or the person appointed by SEF.

4. Specific information regarding orders and purchases
4.1 The Services and products offered through EFIT are supplied either by SEF or by the
Association or Supplier specified in the Service.

4.2 Some of the orders and purchases you make within the Services may fall under the
Swedish Act (2005:59) on Distance Contracts and Contracts Outside Business Premises (the
“Distance Contracts Act”). The following terms & conditions apply to such orders and purchases
made from SEF. For orders and purchases from an Association or Supplier, the terms &
conditions of that Association or the Supplier apply.

4.3 When ordering and purchasing from SEF, as a consumer you may have a cooling-off period
where you can cancel the agreement in accordance with the provisions of the Distance
Contracts Act. This means that under certain conditions you may be entitled to cancel your
purchase within 14 days from the date you received the ordered product or received a receipt
for your order of a service. Pursuant to the Distance Contracts Act, the following products and
services are, inter alia, exempt from the right to cancel:
a) products manufactured according to your instructions or which otherwise have a clear
personal character;
b) sporting events or other similar activities taking place on a particular day or during a
predetermined period of time;
c) products that can quickly deteriorate or become out of date;
d) software as well as audio and image recordings with broken seals; or
e) services initiated with your consent during the cooling-off period, such as subscriptions.

4.4 If you wish to cancel an order or purchase, contact the counter-party who has delivered or
will deliver the product or service. Contact details can be found on your receipt.  Remember
that it is you who must prove that you have cancelled within the prescribed deadline. You can
cancel either verbally or in writing. A standard form for exercising the right of cancellation is
available on www.konsumentverket.se. The website also has further information about the right
of cancellation and the Distance Contracts Act. You can also get information and advice from
your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

4.5 If you exercise your right of cancellation, SEF will refund you within 14 days from the date
on which SEF receives the returned product or your notification cancelling your order of a
service. If you incurred delivery costs for the product you purchased, these will also be
refunded by an amount equivalent to the standard delivery fee. SEF is entitled to deduct an
amount corresponding to the product’s depreciation from the amount to be refunded, insofar as
such depreciation is due to the fact that you have handled the product to an extent greater than
necessary to determine its characteristics or function.

4.6 Remember that you are responsible for the manner in which a product being returned is
received by the counter-party. It is therefore advisable to send the product in a discreet box and
as recorded delivery. The product should be returned together with its original packaging.

5. Use of the Services
5.1 The Services shall be used in compliance with these Terms & Conditions.

5.2 Any use which is not expressly permitted or supported by the Services is only permitted
with SEF’s written permission:
a) disseminating Services or Content in other media;
b) changing or modifying any part of EFIT (including but not limited to the Websites, Apps and
c) attempting to access the Services or Content through any other technology or by any other
means than through the Websites or any other features expressly designated by SEF for this
d) circumventing, disabling or otherwise interfering with (i) security-related features of the
Services; (ii) features that prevent or restrict the use or copying of Content; or (iii) features that
restrict the use of the Services or material available via the Services;
e) using EFIT or the Content for the sale or marketing of products or services;
f) using or starting a robot, web crawler or other automated systems that send messages to
SEF’s servers; or
g)copying, reproducing, distributing, broadcasting, displaying, selling, licensing or otherwise
exploiting others’ content or material other than as is stated in these Terms & Conditions
without the consent of the rights holder.

5.3 The Services may only be used for the purposes and in the manner for which they are
intended. For example, you are solely liable for your use not giving rise to damage or other
inconvenience to SEF or third parties (for example, by mass appeal or spreading a computer
virus) and for your use not violating law or government authority regulations or decisions. Use
in violation of these Terms & Conditions may be reported to the authorities, Associations or
supervisory bodies.

5.4 The Services are supplied “as is”, i.e. In the condition they are in at each time. SEF cannot
guarantee that the Services will always work without interference or be free of faults and
defects. Nor does SEF guarantee that the information you receive when using the Services is
correct or reliable.

6. Privacy
6.1 SEF is the data controller for Personal Data that is processed about you when you use the
Services. Further details about how your personal data are processed, and about your rights, are available in the Privacy Policy (here).

6.2 SEF is free to allow suppliers of general search engines permission to copy Content and
other material from the Websites in order to create search indexes. Such search engines may
not automatically update their cache memories, and the information in search indexes may
therefore include outdated Content and material.

7. Provision of your own Content
7.1 Within the scope of the Services you have the opportunity to upload Content. Unless
otherwise follows from a particular Service, such Content becomes public to SEF, the
Associations, Suppliers, and general search engines.

7.2 You (or the rights holder whose permission for uploading you obtained pursuant to Clause
7.5) own the Content you upload. However, SEF, the Associations and other Users of the
Services have the right, free of charge, to use, reproduce, broadcast, copy and display such
Content for non-commercial purposes, to the extent set out in these Terms & Conditions and
which is supported by the Service’s features.

7.3 You are solely liable for your Content and the consequences of uploading it.

7.4 Neither SEF nor an Association are liable for any Content uploaded by anyone other than
SEF or an Association, and SEF and the Associations do not endorse Content or what is
otherwise expressed through such Content. By using the Services, you may therefore be
exposed to Content that is incorrect, insulting or offensive. Unless otherwise follows from law,
users of the Services do not have the right to force SEF to take down such Content.

7.5 You are solely responsible for obtaining consent, permission, licence or right to upload
Content, which by virtue of copyright or otherwise, is in whole or in part the property of another
party. Such consent, permission, licence or right shall also include the right to upload Content in
accordance with Clause 7.2, and that the Content is used in the manner that the Services

7.6 SEF reserves the right to remove without notice Content that, in SEF’s opinion, may be
perceived as offensive or inappropriate.

7.7 After you upload Content, you can edit or delete the Content to the extent allowed by the
relevant Service. It is not always possible to edit or delete Content which is public to others.

8. Changes in the Website, Services and Content
8.1 The Services and Content are constantly being renewed. This means that SEF is entitled,
from time to time, to change their design, nature and content (including permanently or
temporarily terminating or restricting the Websites, Apps or Services) without issuing specific
information in advance.

9 Intellectual property rights etc.
9.1 SEF, or its licensor, shall have the exclusive ownership, copyright, patent rights and all
other intellectual property rights to the Services and the Content contained in the Services
(including but not limited to the Websites and Apps), as well as to the results from User Data or
other data processed or adapted within the scope of the Services.

9.2 Without SEF’s written consent, you are not entitled to copy, reproduce, distribute,
broadcast, display, sell, licence or otherwise exploit the content of the Services beyond what
follows from these Terms & Conditions.

10. Changes to the Terms & Conditions
10.1 SEF reserves the right to make changes to the Terms & Conditions. SEF will notify you

before it makes significant changes to the Terms & Conditions and will give you the opportunity
to review the revised Terms & Conditions before you continue to use the Services. If you
continue to use the Services after changes have been made to these Terms & Conditions, you
agree to the changes. If you do not accept the change your access to the Services may be

11. Termination etc.
11.1 You can unsubscribe from the Services at any time. If you unsubscribe from the Services
your access to the Services terminates with immediate effect.

11.2 SEF or the Association may end or restrict your access to the Services if you breach a
material provision of these Terms & Conditions, breach any other provision in these Terms &
Conditions without taking remedial action after being informed, use the Services, the Websites
or the Apps in connection with a crime (or if it is reasonable to suspect that such activity is
occurring), submit incorrect data when your register your User Profile or otherwise demonstrate
that you may not or will not comply with these Terms & Conditions. SEF may also terminate the
Terms & Conditions if SEF is obliged to terminate its contractual relationship with you pursuant
to law or a binding decision from a public authority, or if SEF decides that it will no longer
supply the Services. SEF or the Association may also end or restrict your access to the
Services if there is a suspicion that your account is being used by someone else or if the
account is used in a manner that poses a risk to other users (such as accidental transmission
of a computer virus).

11.3 Notwithstanding the Terms & Conditions otherwise ceasing to apply, the right to use User
Data in accordance with Clause 7.2 shall continue to apply to User Data which is anonymised
(i.e. which are no longer considered to be Personal Data) or which relate to Content that has
not been revoked in accordance with Clause 7.7.

12. Liability
12.1 SEF’s and an Association’s liability for damage is limited to what follows from applicable
mandatory law. Thus, SEF and/or an Association is not liable for any damage you may suffer as
a result of (i) the Website or Services not functioning as expected; (ii) SEF or an Association
taking down Content or blocking you from the Services; (iii) an unauthorised person gaining
access to your User Profile; or (iv) SEF making changes to the Website, the Services or the
Terms & Conditions, except to the extent that follows from mandatory law.

12.2 You may be held liable for any loss or damage suffered by SEF, an Association, or other
as a result of you acting in a manner that violates these Terms & Conditions or as a result of
any other negligent or deliberate conduct.

13. Force majeure
13.1 If SEF or an Association is prevented from fulfilling its obligations under the Terms &
Conditions due to a circumstance beyond SEF’s or the Association’s control (including but not
limited to lightning strike, labour dispute, fire, natural disaster, changes in regulations,
governmental actions and/or a failure or delay in services provided by a subcontractor due to a
circumstance stated herein), then this shall result in an extension of the deadline for
performance and release from any penalties.

14. Miscellaneous
14.1 In order to keep administration costs down, all of SEF’s communications with you will take
place electronically by e-mail or by announcements on the Websites or Apps. For e-mails, SEF
uses the contact details you have provided to SEF. You are therefore required to keep your
contact details updated.

14.2 SEF’s or an Association’s failure to exercise or claim a right in the Terms & Conditions
does not mean that SEF or such Association have renounced their respective rights, and these
may be claimed by SEF or the Association at any time.

14.3 In the event that a provision in these Terms &; Conditions proves invalid or unreasonable,
the provision in question shall be amended or removed from the Terms & Conditions without the
Terms & Conditions being otherwise affected.

14.4 SEF or an Association have the right to freely assign their rights and obligations under
these Terms & Conditions to others, as well as to engage subcontractors to discharge their
respective obligations under these Terms & Conditions.

15. Governing law and dispute resolution
15.1 These Terms & Conditions are governed by Swedish law. Disputes concerning these
Terms & Conditions shall be resolved by a Swedish court with Solna District Court as the court
of first instance.

15.2 You may report any dispute or disagreement arising from these Terms or the Service to
the Swedish National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN) (www.arn.se).

15.3 You may use the European Commissions online dispute resolution website to help you
resolve disputes with traders without going to court. The website can be found at

16. Definitions
Apps: SEF’s or an Association’s app through which the Services are supplied.

Association: The members and other associations, clubs and companies connected to EFIT.

Content: Text, software, scripts, graphics, photographs, audio, music, videos, audiovisual
combinations, interactive services or other material that you or other users contribute to the

Data Protection Legislation:  Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament of the
Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of
personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (the General Data Protection Regulation) (“GDPR”) and any national legislation introduced under the GDPR.

EFIT: Elitfotbollen’s IT platform, through which the Associations, SEF and other Suppliers are
able to offer digital Services.

Member(s): Members of SEF.

Partner: A legal person/entity which has a commercial agreement with SEF and/or the
members of SEF and who is associated with EFIT through this agreement.

Personal Data: Any information which can be directly or indirectly (e.g. by decoding or via an
encryption key) used to identify a living natural person, including image and audio data.

Privacy Policy: SEF’s privacy policy, which constitutes an appendix to the Terms & Conditions,
link here. A current version of the Privacy Policy is also available on SEF’s Website.

SEF: Föreningen Svensk Elitfotboll (the Swedish Elite Football Association), org. no. 825001-

SEF AB: Sports Entertainment Factory i Solna AB, 59050-4626, a wholly owned subsidiary of

Service(s): Digital services which from time to time are directly or indirectly supplied on, from
or via EFIT.

Supplier: Supplier of a Service, which may be the Associations, SEF, the Associations’
sponsors or the sports arena which the User or media company, gaming company or other
company that SEF cooperates with, and which SEF allows to supply Services via EFIT.
Swedish Distance Contracts Act: The Swedish Act (2005:59) on Distance Contracts and
Contracts Outside Business Premises.

Terms & Conditions: These general terms & conditions and any appendices applicable from
time to time.

User: A natural person who uses the Services.

User Data: Information, material and data generated by the User’s use of the Services,
including Content and Personal Data.

User Profile: The User’s personal user profile for the Services in the form of a Football
Account or equivalent user profile.

Website, the Website(s): SEF’s or an Association’s website through which the Services are


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